Stop Chat Bypassers?

Hi! So Recently I have noticed a drastic increase in users bypassing the roblox chat filter completetly in 2 ways. (This isnt just in my game, This is occuring in all games)

  1. People can seperate letters by doing H<i And the roblox filter doesnt detect it.

  2. (The most problematic) I have seen people hacking and are able to just say anything, anything at all and its not flagged. I know who this user is thats doing it (Via communications on 3rd party software), but they keep using alt accounts. No matter what I do, reporting to roblox, banning. Nothing works and it keeps happening.

Is there any way to stop either of these from happening?


local Channel = game:GetService("TextChatService"):WaitForChild("TextChannels"):WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")

Channel.ShouldDeliverCallback = function(Message)
	local Sent = true
	for _, Word in pairs(Message.Text:split(" ")) do
		local Sub = Word:gsub("&lt;", "")
		Sub = Sub:gsub("&gt;", "")
		if Sub:len() <= (Word:len() / 3) then
			Sent = false
	return Sent

It will show for the sender but not for anyone else.

I don’t know about the second one, but it is already a huge concern for a lot of people. You can read more here.