Stop debating payment choices in recruitment categories

As one of the people whose quote was up there, I do now realize that I just posted what another 5 people were going to say and should have just kept it to myself. I also do agree that recruitment post are usually bombarded mostly because of payment, this can be different though, but usually is payment. This leads to argument, leading to the post being ruined and the OP cancelling their project. I personally apologize for spamming, and heavily do agree with what has been stated.


No worries dude - you weren’t really spamming in the true sense of that word, more just repeating what had already been stated.

I really just picked the first two replies I could find regarding payment options, I had no intention of targeting you or others or getting apologies - I know I’ve made several more serious faux-pas here on the forums. gg on your humility and understanding though!!


I have to disagree at somepoint. When some people are giving ~ 5% to scripting positions that’s quite insane. Yeah, you may want to do it to get a friend… but at the end of it all, people sometimes need the money.

I agree, but disagree (lol)

Lets see, someone is offering insane prices such as like 10 percent for the scripter and 90 percent for themselves, and if nobody says its underpayment, the topic creator WILL create more posts because they dont know they are underpaying.

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Yes, and at some point profit is not for definite.

Edit: engrish

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Collaboration category feels like a sinking ship. I can’t imagine anyone getting real value out of it (past sub-hobbyist amounts of income). It’s just constant toxic noise to me.

Roblox should just get rid of it and move that functionality elsewhere.


I totally agree, but on both sides of the argument. Some people are giving outrageous payment such as 5 percent to developers, and some developers do the following, which I see often:

  1. Absolutely no development experience
  2. 50% earnings to themselves
  3. Topic isn’t descriptive and does not follow the format

But I can agree on how recruitment is falling apart. We need a new rule that is broadcasted to all the forum members, have it post approved, or maybe reserve the category for people who are at least 1 year old in the developer forums.

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I don’t exactly think 1 year is good enough, perhaps it should be a post approval thing.

Post approval was already suggested but it simply won’t work.

They won’t know in full-detail what is going on and that would only give them more work.

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@sloss2003 @dibblydubblydoo if somebody is offering 5% for a scripting position, I would advise private messaging them and asking if they would reconsider their percentage allotment, due to its unrealistic expectations. Honestly, you could probably reply to the main thread with such complaints, however, you’re missing my point here. I’m saying that if somebody offers percentage-based payment, don’t argue or complain about the form of payment - especially in replies. Lowball offers are an entirely different issue.

@buildthomas oh my god i completely agree. i thought that i would be alone in that opinion, but apparently somebody else is as disappointed as I am at the quality of threads in that category.

@VegetationBush ya, there are a ton of issues with the category, i really just wanted to point out this one. Not sure if those kinds of regulations would be helpful - I think this issue has to do with the low levels of humility and professionalism associated with the rising development community, rather than the lack of experience people have with the forum’s guidelines.

post approval absolutely won’t work. i really think build’s idea is the best fix - there are massive communities on Discord and roblox where you can do recruitment stuff, people advertise such servers and groups in my DMs on a near-daily basis. The few times I’ve needed a commission in the past year or two, I use other resources.


I wouldn’t really consider saying you added someone on discord spam, not just because I do it. It’s helpful to OP to know who added them and what there tag is

The recuitment page is amazing, ive hired lots of people from it and given them opportinuties, i pay fair and offer more work in future. Why should it be removed just because some people are toxic on it?

Not only people being toxic. Also many people are getting scammed and stuff. It’s basically turning into the asset marketplace.

We probably have very different standards, which is fine. I’m just saying that from my point of view, I see very little value there (few exceptions exist of course) and most of the conversation is immature / unprofessional / toxic whenever I click into these categories and select some random topics. Roblox is more than capable of making a more effective product for collaboration than this.

EDIT: Looks like Roblox is actually looking for feedback right now here:

It’s this kind of nonsense that just led me to outright mute the Collaboration category a very long time ago. I don’t use it and I don’t want to see the consistently toxic behaviours in there.

There has not been one time where I haven’t went into that category seeing a mess unless the offer is significantly high and even then there are some replies that scrape past, such as complaints about age restrictions which in some offers are a legal requirement.

We have a PSA up about appropriately responding to Collaboration threads but it’s evident that no one reads it or if they see it, then ignore it because their petty complaints supposedly hold more weight than keeping the environment clean, friendly, engaging and productive.


Thank you so much for bringing this up, I’ve recently been flagged 2 or 3 times for just telling people to offer another source of monetary value than percentage. I often find Singular Percentage payment as ‘‘bad’’ as it means you most likely cannot afford any other currency of payment, and in fact if you logically think:

If you accept a percentage, you will need game recognition to make profit. You achieve this via ads and sponsors. BUT WAIT! Those cost ROBUX, Something that most likely isn’t possessed by the owner of the project due to the singular percentage payment.

In conclusion, I am really glad this is being brought up, and hopefully something can be brought out to the public, even maybe actual action being taken like Not allowing Singular Percentage Payment.


I must say as a developer myself, looking at a percentage is very scary and we never know what the game is going to offer or the job, but think about it, game development was never a job without risks. The point of a making a game is first, enjoying the proccess and letting other people like and play your game. Of course we can probably gurantee on the first one, but the second one, none of us know nor does the employer. What happens if the game isn’t successful or not popular, if we give a hard price tag onto the job, the employer might not be able to pay for it. Unless, you are a experience and rich developer. Otherwise, using percentage is the safest way of paying people, pay whatever you got. The are many new and young developers out there that want to make a game of there own but needs help, we can’t just demand them to pay us a certain amount of price with the robux that they doesn’t have, percentage is the best way to solve that problem. To conclude, game development iss a risky thing, so a hard price tag is bascially impossible unless you are experience and rich, which not a lot of people are.

Isn’t this exactly what OP is asking developers not to do, debate payment choices in the replies? If you want another monetary route, get in touch with the OP only if you’re interested in the offer. If you got flagged for telling people to add another source, that’s a valid flag. Private message employers feedback on their thread if it’s warranted (in most cases, it isn’t).

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To avoid further replies similar to some above, let me make myself a bit more clear:

My point in writing this is to advocate for the discontinuance of spam-like replies criticizing payment forms - that’s it.

To you guys responding about how different payment forms are better, why people should take percentages, etc. that’s cool - I’m glad you think that, however, you’re missing the point.

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O, very sorry, yes I would definetly agree.