Hi, Does Anyone know if there is a way to stop GUI’s from Resetting every time a player’s Character Dies.
If you take a look you can see that there is an “E to activate” bar and I want to basically save it when it fills up.
Do I have to save the bar’s fill percentage in the server?
I’m quite stumped on what to do. Is there any code I need to make or is there an option? Thank you!
Can You Explain What You want to stop from resetting Inside GUI
You would need to use a Data Store to save all the data in the bar to the player even when resetting.
On the ScreenGui object there is a property “ResetOnSpawn”. You can turn that off.
Is the “ResetOnSpawn”-function what you want? Its a property in the ScreenGui.
Yes, I just found out. Thank you!
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