Stop Sliding RayCast Suspension Car

I need help finding a way to prevent my “car” from sliding down hills. It should not slide at all, but it still slides by a very small amount.
This is similar to my desired result: Raycast Car - Roblox @scripted_pj
This is what my car is like now: Oasis - Roblox
Notice how it will slide slightly on hills

This is my current code:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local crawler = script.Parent
local springs = crawler["Car?"]
local seat = crawler.VehicleSeat

local forwardSpeed = 0
local turnSpeed = 0
local MaxSpeed = 10000
local MaxTurn = 3

local modelMass = 0

local Stiffness = 320
local Damper = 15

local WheelFriction = 400

local WheelSuspensionLengthMemory = {}
for i,v in pairs(springs:GetChildren()) do
	WheelSuspensionLengthMemory[v.Name] = 0.5

for i,v in ipairs(crawler:GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("BasePart") then
		modelMass += v.AssemblyMass

local function Suspension(raycastResult, spring, dt)
	local SuspensionForce = spring:FindFirstChild("SuspensionForce")
	if SuspensionForce then
		if raycastResult then
			local raycastDistance = (spring.Position - raycastResult.Position).Magnitude
			local springLength = math.clamp(raycastDistance - 1, 0, 20)
			local stiffnessForce = Stiffness * (20 - springLength)
			local damperForce = Damper * ((WheelSuspensionLengthMemory[spring.Name] - springLength) / dt)
			local totalForce = spring.CFrame.UpVector * (stiffnessForce + damperForce)
			local rotOnlyDirFrame = CFrame.lookAt(, spring.CFrame.LookVector, spring.CFrame.UpVector)
			local locvel = rotOnlyDirFrame:ToObjectSpace(
			local rightForce = spring.CFrame.RightVector * -locvel.X * WheelFriction
			if spring.Name == "LeftForward" or spring.Name == "RightForward" then
				rightForce = spring.CFrame.RightVector * -(locvel.X - turnSpeed) * WheelFriction
			local lookForce = spring.CFrame.LookVector * (locvel.Z + forwardSpeed) * WheelFriction
			--SuspensionForce.Force = totalForce
			crawler.PrimaryPart:ApplyImpulseAtPosition(totalForce + rightForce + lookForce, spring.Position)
			WheelSuspensionLengthMemory[spring.Name] = raycastDistance
			SuspensionForce.Force =
			WheelSuspensionLengthMemory[spring.Name] = 20
	local raycastParams =
	raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {crawler}
	if seat.Occupant then
		forwardSpeed = seat.Throttle * 10
		turnSpeed = seat.Steer * 10
	for springName, spring in springs:GetChildren() do
		local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(spring.Position, -spring.CFrame.UpVector * 20)
		if false then
			local distance = (spring.Position - raycastResult.Position).Magnitude
			local p ="Part", workspace)
			p.Anchored = true
			p.CanCollide = false
			p.Size =, 0.1, distance)
			p.CFrame =, raycastResult.Position)*, 0, -distance/2)
			p.Name = "raycast"

		Suspension(raycastResult, spring, dt)

please, please help rthubjcnkahsgv yfrxtyvgubhijno jvbusiyuctasuy

Hey I’m not sure if you got this already, but perhaps this might help:

Another thing you might try could be checking the angle that your suspension force is applying itself at in world space, dotting it with each horizontal axis, and then using BasePart:ApplyImpulse() to counter any horizontal movement if the vehicle is at a stop.

The last thing I’ll recommend would be taking a look at the white Roblox jeep from the old racing template (not the current one) and take a look how the friction works on that car. The current chassis uses a constraints based car, but the old one used a raycast chassis. The old jeep can be obtained by accessing the Suburban template. I’ll upload an rbxl in case it gets removed.

Template - Suburban.rbxl (1.3 MB)

Good luck!