Store Gui Equipping Issue

I made a store GUI but got a problem with equipping.

When I try to unequip a katana, it doesn’t let me do that, it does gun instead


Can you send the script for this?

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("UseTool"):FireServer(storage_name, "Unequip")

You dont need it.
Is just moving tools into a folder

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Um, is above.
At the topic :upside_down_face:

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Codes a bit confusing, but is the Katana supposed to be a primary or secondary?
EDIT: Honestly didn’t see at the top, mb. Lemme see if I can think of a fix.

It’s supposed to be secondary.

It’s probably best not to have the Equip function be inside each ImageLabel. Have it outside and you should see a fix. Also a variable for tool selected so it knows which it’s supposed to go at.

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frame.Equipments.Secondary.ItemImg.Image = ""

Wouldn’t that always change the same ImageButton? How does your script know which button is the katana and which is the gun?

Script is getting a each tool’s stats

EquipStuff.rbxl (21.1 KB)
Made a repo of how it should look. You need to have the Equip function outside of each label. Hopefully you can look at this and apply it to your project!


Thank you, I’ll give a try :smile:

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No problem! Hopefully this allows you to fix the problem and save some space of code!