Hello all! I am currently trying to create a system that compares 3 numerical values in a table, then gets the biggest value of them all then stores it in a variable. I will show you the code here:
local tally1 = 1
local tally2 = 2
local tally3 = 2
local tallywinner
local map1 = "Obby"
local map2 = "House"
local map3 = "Volcano"
local winnertable = {
{map1, tally1};
{map2, tally2};
{map3, tally3}
table.sort(winnertable, function(i, j)
return i[2] > j[2]
Essentially what I want to accomplish is to take tally1 from the sorted winnertable, then put it in a variable. However, I haven’t figured out a way to do this. Any solutions to my problem are greatly appreciated, thanks!
This creates a dummy table called sorted and then sorts it, then the first index will always be the map with the most votes
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Variables = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Common.Variables)
local tally1 = 5
local tally2 = 2
local tally3 = 1
local tallywinner
local map1 = "Obby"
local map2 = "House"
local map3 = "Volcano"
local winnertable = {
["map1"] = tally1,
["map2"] = tally2,
["map3"] = tally3
local sorted = {}
for mapName, AmountOfTallies in pairs(winnertable) do
table.insert(sorted, {mapName = mapName, AmountOfTallies = AmountOfTallies})
table.sort(sorted, function(a,b)
return a.AmountOfTallies > b.AmountOfTallies
-- The first index of the sorted will hold the information for the map with the most tallies and them mapname