Storing Client Functions

Is there a way more safe to store client functions? like i have this custom equippable functions/perks, with server holding the server side functions like character speed or size and client with ui and effects.

so is there a way better than storing them inside a module which then exploiters can require them and do something with them? or module is already good?

Are you relying on the client for some critical functionality? There isn’t really a point in securing the client since anything on the client can be modified no matter how hard you try to prevent it. You shouldn’t be relying on the client for important game functionality in general, do sanity checks on the server.

its basically just for like the visuals parts of the perks, so the server will handle all the important stuff and the client just apply visuals

Okay, you should be fine then. If they show something on the client, then only that client will see it, so it isn’t really a problem if they run that function on their client.