Storing Notes in Backpack System

This should explain the process of everything, hopefully. It starts off with the click, then adds attributes to our inventory folder. That’s when the client script detects the change, updating the GUIs

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I’m a visual learner so yes this does help a lot omg. So pretty much you’re saying that what is happening is that when the player clicks on the note it creates a folder of the data in that note. Then it fires to the next script which shows that something has changed which in turn updates the ui?

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Yes! lol okay, perfect, updating the UI will close your backpack and add it to there while bringing up the note with the description and image

If the backpack was open

Okay awesome. I understand what you’re saying. It’s just that it’s not working for some reason. I’ve changed the names of the note gui and the frames and even the note part to each have the same name(just for one of the notes to test it out) but it’s not working. It keeps on saying infinite yield possible. I’m not entirely sure what’s going wrong

Oh, that means it’s waiting for something. Have you checked the names in the variables?

For which variable do you mean?

Can you paste the entire infinite yield message

Infinite yield possible on ‘Workspace.secret.Note1:WaitForChild(“ClickDetection”)’

Which is for:

I didn’t name the ClickDetector the same, so it could be that. If you read the entire warning in the output, it should say which one and where

Is the name of the click detector, click detection, if not you must rename it to ClickDetection?

I just renamed it and it took away the error.

Nice, is it working now or is there another error?

I renamed the ClickDetector so that they are all the same but I kept running into problems in

This section. Probably because the notesframe doesn’t have a text label. It is just saying that it isn’t a valid member of the group or something like that hold on let me check again.

Edit: Wait omg I think it is because of where my script is placed hold on let me move it.

You could also try

NotesFrame:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextLabel").Text	= Description

If you don’t wanna worry about naming of things (and if there’s only one text label)

Perfect! Alright, so here, you can check under your NotesFrame, and change it to the TextLabels name. AKA “>”

Okay so I moved the script to PlayerScripts and it’s still having the same problem. But that’s what I have been trying to explain. There’s no text label in the NotesFrame. Just a button to close it out. I think maybe thats the problem?

What about that, isn’t that a text label the “>”

If it’s a text button then

NotesFrame:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextButton").Text	= Description

Ohh xd yeah, that makes sense. Okay, in that case, just keep the image and take off the TextLabel thing

No it’s a text button. Inside it has a script to close out the note.

No! Keep the text label thing but in the script take it off