Storing Notes in Backpack System

Okay. What else should I do exactly? Because I keep on getting errors for the notesframe section. (I’m sorry; I feel like I keep on confusing everyone by trying to explain more in depth and I’m getting confused too)

What’s the error now??

It’s that, but instead of the text label, it’s for the image label.

It’s still saying that “TextLabel” is not in the notes frame, have you removed that line of code yet?

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Yeah I did. I’m saying I am receiving the same error but instead of the text label, it’s the image label. As shown here:

Theres two image labels because one is the background aesthetic image and inside that image is the note itself. Here is the line it’s saying has the error:

Sorry, that was my fault :sweat_smile: I meant ImageLabel.Image otherwise you’re trying to find another ImageLabel under the first ImageLabel

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Alright so now there’s no errors but the note still doesn’t appear in the backpack :sweat_smile:

Uhhh Is there an ItemFrame under BackpackFrame named the same as the Note?

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Yep! Made sure to do that first off so everything would connect

I’m wondering if it’s not finding the Child’s name cause if it did it would’ve worked. Trying taking out the if statement on FindFirstChild(Child.Name) it should throw some errors that will help us

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I’m just getting an error on the end) part. Nowhere else.

I think you forgot to take the end out of the if statement too

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Oh oops yeah you’re right.
I got this error: Players.Paige8130.PlayerScripts.LocalScript:23: attempt to index nil with ‘WaitForChild’
Which pointed to: local ButtonImage = Item:WaitForChild('ButtonImage')

Alright so yeah the item is nil

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So does that mean that the pathway doesn’t exist?

Yeah, which probably means there isn’t an ItemFrame named the same as the Notes name

Should that be changed to note1 then? Because in the backpack, I have a frame that says note1.

Yes that should be the name of the note!

Oh okay! Maybe that’s what is going wrong then!

Noooo not that one, she’s talking about the backpack frame now