While trying to figure out how to store a ParticleEmitter’s transparency for a “Hide Players” script I found out NumberSequenceValues aren’t a thing, so here’s a function for decrypting a NumberSequence stored in a StringValue using tostring():
--the stringvalue param should be the path to the stringvalue
local function decryptNumSeq(stringvalue)
local valuetable = {}
local timetable = {}
local index = 0
for v in string.gmatch(stringvalue.Value, "%S+") do
index = index + 1
if index % 3 == 1 then
table.insert(timetable, tonumber(v))
elseif index % 3 == 2 then
table.insert(valuetable, tonumber(v))
local NumberSeqKeypoints = {}
for i,v in timetable do
table.insert(NumberSeqKeypoints, NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(timetable[i], valuetable[i]))
return NumberSeqKeypoints
--example usage
local Particle = game.Workspace.ParticleEmitter
local stringval = Instance.new("StringValue", script)
stringval.Value = tostring(Particle.Transparency)
local Sequence = NumberSequence.new(decryptNumSeq(stringval))
Hope this is helpful for someone and hopefully NumberSequenceValues become a thing soon so this won’t be necessary