Story Cutscene management

I’m currently working on a Story based RPG; I aim to use Cutscenes to progress the story - These will be include animated models, camera movements etc.

Could anyone suggest the best possible method of doing this?

I’m looking at doing a single ModuleScript titled after the Players current progress in the story and then requiring it in order to action its contents. Does anyone have other methods?


I implemented cutscenes in my game with this method:

I made as many parts as the number of “zones” I wanted the camera to go to, and I put them in an array (you can not do this, but the code gets cleaner if you put the parts into an array).
Then I looped through the array, and with TweenService I tweened the Camera CFrame to the CFrame of the current part.
So it came out something like this:

local camera = workspace.Camera
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
local partArray = {workspace.Part1, workspace.Part2, workspace.Part3}

for i,v in ipairs(partArray) do
     camera.CFrame = v.CFrame
     wait(5) -- time between each Tween

If you need different time between each tween then you’ll need another array containing the time between each tween, so it will come out something like this:

local camera = workspace.Camera
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
local partArray = {workspace.Part1, workspace.Part2, workspace.Part3}
local waitArray = {3, 5, 2}

for i,v in ipairs(partArray) do
     camera.CFrame = v.CFrame

I didn’t test the second one, so I’m not 100% sure it works. But it should

I hope I’ve been clear :smile: