Story Line System w/ Missions

So basically the backbone of my game relies on a story line system with missions but the problem Im having is not actually the missions but like how would I know when they finished a mission so it can automatically give them the next one and the next one until they finish the game and also including cutscenes, any idears?


This is all about how you’re game works, does it end when they kill the last person or when they get all the cash. I don’t think devforum can help you with this.

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Yeah so basically its like an actual game with a storyline and you have to complete different missions and there will also be cutscenes but the thing is I have no idear how to give the player the next quest in the quest line once they finish the one before it

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Could you make remote events? And then receive the info?

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Yeah but the problem is I cant keep constant track of the remote events since well Im not gonna be there, unless I make a remoteevent for every single mission and then once the one before it is done fire it but im not sure if thats a good idear

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Like I just said, script events or detect when values are changed, then give them the next mission with your mission system.

In addition to the examples mentioned before, player got 10 kills, went into a certain area. You just need to implement it with how your scripts work and how your game functions.

This is your choice as a game designer.

Edit: in response to the post above, these checks should be done on the server, especially if you’re rewarding players on completion.

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I’m still really stuck, Im thinking about keeping track of a sequence number that will start at zero and then as you progress in the story line it gets added by one every mission you complete but the thing is i dont only have one sort of mission, ill have location missons, kill missions, talk to npc missions, find missions, and much more and I have no idear how to keep track of all of them completing

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Exactly what i’m saying, just keep track of when those goals are complete, then mark that mission as complete with a datastore or bool value, whatever you think is best.

Edit: Datastores would be required to save the data after the player leaves

Use a bindable event then. That way you only need one. You can send different information through one bindable event.

To fire:
BindableEvent:Fire(“Mission1”, player)

To receive:
BinableEvent.Event:Connect(function(mission, player)

Then you can store all the rewards and extra stuff in a module.

Yeah, what Hidden said.

game.Whatever.Whatever.Changed:Wait() -- will wait until something changes.

In a different location:

game.Whatever.Whatever = true

Something like this. Scripting has the ability to make it where you can do one simple task in like 500 different ways.

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Yeah im def gonna implement datastores and all that but the things is the missions and cutscenes will be not random, Im thinking having data to every single quest stored on the server so when the sequence changes the event can do stuff appropriately

I still dont get that, and there will be all sorts of different enemies, maybe ill tag different ones with collectionservice?

So, tell me in the simplest way what you are trying to do.

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Basically im literally trying to make a story line system, where I have missions and as those missions are complete the player progresses through the story line and there will be cutscenes, thats as simple as I can make it

@Weeabus has the correct thing going,

If you cannot understand that I would recommend learning a bit more about lua so you have a better understanding of how to do this, it’s simple once you know how to do it.

The thing is that makes no sense because if I knew how to do it I wouldnt be asking for help

Try my reply about bindable events. Thats the most efficient way to send various info throughout the server.

Yeah, what he said. A quest line is really simple in concept. You first make a folder to store all the bool values. Then, you set up a DataStore for all those Bool values. If you finish the quest, check off the value. For now, learn events, FireServer, and DataStore. Those are the things you’ll need the most.

Yeah i had that in mind for using them for that purpose

The problem is he still doesn’t know how he wants to detect when to fire those events.

Edit: To be more clear, he doesnt know how to detect when the events that end the mission happen.