Storybook staff only plugin causing bugs

Upon opening any game on roblox I am greeted with these errors which fill up my entire output window. This is caused by the “Storybook” plugin being enabled for non-staff members like me. Unless I am a staff member now…

Expected behavior

I expect the story book plugin and this error to be removed.

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Looks like it doesn’t check for Roblox internal before it gets initialized. Interesting…
I don’t experience this, however.

Yes and tnavarts just said this:

Really helping out…

Getting the same thing - I can see the plugin, and it’s filling my console with a wall of orange every time I open studio… Does that mean I’m staff now? :smiley:

Mmm i lost a bit of progress trying to remove the storybook thing, my output looks the same… irritating.

Darn, RIP to you.

Maybe. I am still waiting for my ability to moderate users because I am tired of those “thirst trap” avatars.


To fix this, Fully uninstall RobloxStudio and delete the RobloxStudio folder in AppData\Local\Roblox.

Don’t click Storybook next time and you should be safe from the errors.