Stranded Within | Release Information

Welcome to Stranded Within…

I am currently working on a brand new game named ‘Stranded Within’.
The game focuses on PVP, roleplay and exploration elements. Most roleplay games shake at the fact of enabling PVP due to the fact they think it could hinder users roleplay experiences. However we think differently. We think that combing these could make the roleplay game every one has been waiting for, a game which goes beyond expectations.

Is this game story driven?

This game is definitely story driven. We wish all our users to use the story we have created to create even better roleplay situations.

While we encourage this behaviour, it doesn’t mean that everyone has to follow the based story line already provided to them. Users can freely create their own roleplay experiences using our game.

This is also where VIP servers come into it. VIP servers will be enabled upon release giving users the ability to roleplay with groups of friends without interruption by other users.

How will the PVP element work?

Upon spawning in, you will be FFed (Force Field) for a certain amount of time, your firearm will also be disabled, meaning you won’t be able to kill others while this force field is up.
All of this is to remove the ability to spawnkill and the ability to use the forcefield to their advantage.

Upon this forcefield being removed, users may use their firearms at any time.

Information regarding VIP Servers

VIP servers will be enabled upon full release, meaning through BETA and ALPHA stages it will not be available.
Users who have purchased VIP servers will receive full owner admin, giving them the ability to freely experience their own world with friends.

Prices will differ throughout the games lifetime meaning they are not already kept the same and can change within specific time periods.

This game sounds great, when does it come out?

Our game is currently in extremely early development stages, however this doesn’t mean we aren’t open for testing or support.
All support we are given is happily accepted and will be used towards the progress of the game.

Testing will be offered to loyal members of our community.
Testing game
Social links are on the game provided above

Updates will be posted on this post.

Are you excited for this game?

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