Strange badge artifacts on transparent pngs

It’s been a month and this is STILL happening, have someone found a solution? It’s frustrating and the staff don’t even seem to care given that it’s been a month without any follow up on this.

Some of my badge icons even came out looking all weird like this:
When supposed to be like this:

Having the same issue. It appears uploading the same badge to another game does not trigger any of these bugs. Super weird

I’m also experiencing the SAME issue as others above, can the staff do something about it, please? This is ruining the aesthetic design of my game badges…

This is badge I wanted to upload: (Link to badge)

This is the result of the badge I got (processed by the website):

I shouldn’t be seeing a non-transparent black background.

This is happening to me as well

im experiencing the same bug
this is what im uploading

and this is what im getting
i didnt have this bug when i uploaded another badge a month ago

Please provide a link to an experience where this issue is present on the website or the app. I assume based on the description it doesn’t show correctly on the experience’s page itself.
If the issue is present in-game, please also provide a place file or an experience link where we can see it and investigate.

Thank you!

@Abroxus provided a link earlier in the thread.

Badge Link

Experience Link

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Thanks for reposting the links!


It seems like all pixels are showing for badge icons regardless of if they are transparent.

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Been having this same issue. I’m unable to upload any .pngs with transparent backgrounds, as the site just adds an annoying background to it.

This is a good hypothesis.

One thing I noticed is that each image here has an alpha color of 000000 (pitch black) at opacity 0, which is normal. To test if this is due to the alpha channel, try to change the Alpha color on your image to see if this affects it in any way. Try to change it to red for example.

OP had artifacts that I’ve seen previously when messing around with Alphas, don’t remember how I got across them but it was when I was messing around with the alpha stuff.

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Begging for a fix on Transparent Images! :pray: :pray: :pray: Please get back when this is fixed, really a problem.


(No idea why it added it’s own “Transparent Grid Background”)

Struggling with the same problems on badge uploads. Thank you.


Running into this issue currently as well. We’re trying to add a set of new achievements to our game but our new badges look weird around the edges.

Thanks for reporting, the team is looking into a fix.


We’ve released a fix! Is this working properly now? You’ll have to re-upload your images to see the changes.


i’ve noticed that at least for the badges that i’ve uploaded partially transparent pixels are still getting turned black but other than that this is much better than before

Screenshot 2024-02-22 105730
(what it’s supposed to look like)

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I believe the issue you’re seeing now is similar to: Black Fringing Artifacts Around Rescaled Images With Transparent Backgrounds

Have you tried the solution in the article?

I am now able to overwrite these artifacted badges and they are appearing correctly, thanks!


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