This is something I’ve had trouble with for weeks at this point and i’m honestly stumped about this. Ingame the bundle moves and works fine however in the 3d view of the item, it displays the limb attachments inaccurately and its driving me insane. I know it has to do with the armature but i don’t know exactly what. I’ve asked some people for help in the past and they cannot solve what is going on with the bundle, i’ve searched through threads about anything similar to no avail. This is something that is affecting sales due to the first impressions of the item being ruined
I have tried the following things
- Applied scale for all body parts and armature to make its scale set to just 1 on all axis
- removed all weights from bones and manually weight painted them all over again
- removed the armature’s body and completely replaced it with a fresh armature body from a template file
- adjusted bone joints to be all together and parenting them to be connected so theres no chance of them being offset from another limb,
- redid the caps of the body limbs so they are all centered.
- checked and removed animations for the body parts that are not necessary
- straightened out the bones completely
- limited the total of vertex groups weights applied to each bone to the maximum amount (4)
this is what it looks like ingame, it looks fine here
this is the 3d view of the item, as you can see despite the attachments looking fine ingame, the 3d view has the legs crooked. newbody3
armature view of bundle