Strange bug on equipping tool

I have a ball in socket constraint on my fishing rod, when equipped, the ball seems to fly in from somewhere. Each time the tool is equipped it gets slightly better(to a point), except for the cases where the ball doesn’t make it at all.
The last edited position in the workspace seems to affect this. If the fishing rod was last edited or placed in the workspace close to where it is equipped, it behaves almost normally. If it is equipped far enough away, the ball doesn’t even make it.
Last position:
Me equipping:

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Not sure what this could be…it’s not anchored right?

It is possible that the red ball is anchored, if not then set the ball’s property Massless to true. It’s always best to keep them cancollide false

Set the ball to anchor and make sure nothing is attached to it, set the cframe/position of the ball to the tool, then attach the rope as needed, then unanchor the ball. Make sure the ball has little to no mass while its attached if you want the best chance.