Strange Bug While adding chat tags

Hello everyone, I’ve encountered an unusual bug while attempting to implement chat tags for messages. This script seems to have an issue that causes messages from other players to appear as if they were sent by yourself.

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Properties ="TextChatMessageProperties")
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage = function(Message: TextChatMessage)
	if Message.TextSource then
		local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerByUserId(Message.TextSource.UserId)
		local playerGroupRank = player:GetRankInGroup(17258922)
		if playerGroupRank == 1 then
			Properties.PrefixText =  '<b><font color="#42f57b">[🌎 FANS]</font></b>' .. Message.PrefixText
		elseif playerGroupRank == 2 then
			Properties.PrefixText =  "<b>" .. '<font color="#2BC0FF">' .. "[🪐 TESTER]" .. "</font> " .. "</b>" .. Message.PrefixText
		elseif playerGroupRank == 3 then
			Properties.PrefixText =  "<b>" .. '<font color="#D82413">' .. "[📕 DEVELOPER]" .. "</font> " .. "</b>" .. Message.PrefixText
		elseif playerGroupRank == 255 then
			Properties.PrefixText =  '<b><font color="#EFAA49">[✨ OWNER] </font></b>' .. Message.PrefixText

		if game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerByUserId(Message.TextSource.UserId):GetAttribute("VIP") == true then
			Properties.PrefixText = "<b>" .. '<font color="#EFAA49">' .. "[👑 VIP] " .. "</font> " .. "</b>" .. Message.PrefixText

		return Properties

Any ideas why? This is an example pic I made. usually the name color is different however the name displayed is the same as the local player name. Ty

Screenshot 2024-03-10 alle 10.39.52

Is the script a local script or a server script?

hi, its local of course. placed inside of starterplayerscripts

Maybe record the default properties and then return that if the properties never change