Strange bug with hollow tube

Hi!, so I made this hollow tube which is supposed to work as an elevator. However, there’s a bug which I can’t seem to fix.

Unfortunately I’m unable to upload a video so I apologize; let me explain:

Like I said, the tube is supposed to be an elevator so it’s a union. This is what it looks like:

Screenshot 2023-12-03 213905

However, once I begin to enter the outer sphere (there is a platform that is tweened up and down the tube), I suddenly fall through the moving platform and back down the tube.

(There is also a union which cuts a hole through the sphere as well.)

I’m not sure how this occurred and how to fix it. Any suggestions are appreciated.

If you fall through parts make sure to check CanCollide and any constraints/groups that affect collision.

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What may be happening, is that the collisions on the spheres are incorrect. This would lead to you being stopped by the sphere, and as the elevator doesn’t stop, you’ll be pushed through the bottom (this is what I assume happened).

On the sphere, set the CollisionFidelity to Precise. That may help. Also, in studio settings you can enable decomposition meshes or something named similar to that. That’ll show you all the collision boxes

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