I am not sure why, but I wrote this simple code here:
and I am getting the error “Attempt to compare number < boolean”. Where am I comparing a number to a boolean?! (or am I just not understanding the error)
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is it because plrcount is a boolean? i think pair loop works on this
for number, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayer() do
if number > 2 then
EDIT: i don’t know if this work i can’t test right now
Try using
if plrcount <= 2 then
And tell me what comes in the output.
I will test it. Give me a moment
Sorry if this seems dumb I haven’t coded in a while lol
plrcount is the number of players.
This definitely won’t work.
Your for loop loops through all players individually.
Enclose playercount > 2 in brackets
local plrcount = #game.Players:GetPlayers()
if not (plrcount > 2) then
Testing it right now. Give a moment
This works thank you very much
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Honestly i had no idea why it wasn’t working for him but i think RIGHTEOUS got the answer
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Its okay I fixed it. And yeah I forgot I could do that its been too long since I have coded
Took a long break from it for some reason