Strange issue with placing imagelabels into a billboard gui

I’m puzzled with an issue regarding billboardguis and imagelabels, I attempt to clone my image needed and put it into a billboard gui, which works, but it doesn’t appear or is visible at all and I noticed the “isLoaded” property on the new imagelabel object is marked false, is there a reason for this I’m overlooking? The image is moderated and all on roblox.

Code of the cloning,

local status_add_enemy_connection = player.Server_Data.Enemy_Data.Effects.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
	replicated_storage.Storage.Effects_Template.Images[child.Name]:Clone().Parent = enemy_chr.HumanoidRootPart.Status_Effects.Holder
local status_add_player_connection = player.Server_Data.Player_Data.Effects.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
	replicated_storage.Storage.Effects_Template.Images[child.Name]:Clone().Parent = chr.HumanoidRootPart.Status_Effects.Holder
local status_remove_enemy_connection = player.Server_Data.Enemy_Data.Effects.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child)
local status_remove_player_connection = player.Server_Data.Player_Data.Effects.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child)

A look of it in-game
First clone:

Second clone:

I’m unsure if this is a scripting error or a bug within studio or something completely different, any help would be appreciated greatly!!

Solved the issue, something to do with my loading script.

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