Strange Issue with Studio Window

Recently I have not been able to work on studio because my window keeps going all black, I don’t know if this is happening to anyone else or just me, for context I work on a mac. I’ve tried reinstalling, reopening and various other options but to no avail. I’d just like to knows if anyone else is had this issue and more importantly if anyone knows a means of fixing it. Oh, and I forgot, but I should make it clear that this is occurring on one game, with no free models to speak of.

Thank you for any help at all you can provide, keep on developing my fellows and have a great day too!

Occuring on one game? Have you tried creating a copy of that game and testing to see if you can open it then?

Thanks for the suggestion, will try!

Update: unfortunately this did not work, but I will keep trying things.

The issue was solved, I deleted a number of assets and reloaded.