Strange issues with rig's Motor6Ds

I have recently achieved a really smooth version of ragdoll (solution to which can be found in my previous posts), however i have noticed, that when i manually disable motors from server, the limbs act as usual (ragdolled), but after any player’s character touches the rig, ragdoll effect disappears on this client. No matter what would i do, the motors were disabled but limbs did not have the ragdoll effect.

  • The ragdoll effect does not disappear on the server.

  • I have tried setting the humanoidRootPart’s massless property to true, but nothig changed.

  • When i set character’s humanoidRootPart network owner to nil (which i do throught the while loop with delay of 1), nothing happens. Prints say the ownership is nil.

I have found out that this happens only when the platformStand gets disabled, so it happens when i just disable the platform stand while in-ragdoll

Platform standing rig motor resets on client can be avoided by constantly setting hrp’s network owner to nil