Strange mini bug with humanoids - move all limbs at once

I’m not sure what causes this but it happens every time I make a new model of someone. I do both the same steps for each model. However, after making the model in the studio instance I made it. All the body parts move together no matter what (If I try to move a Leg it moves the whole body) it will stay like this but I did a CTRL+N new session of studio and copied and pasted the Madattak model from the ‘broken’ instance. It works fine I can move every limb on it’s own.

I have included a repo place of the broken Madattak humanoid so you can see what I mean. I also copied and pasted the Madattak model I had from the ‘fixed’ studio instance back into the broken one. It fixed it which is extremely confusing
hopefully i explained good

<a class=“attachment"href=”/uploads/default/original/3X/2/9/2965a1b9090f05eedf3111639ed81bd10f81a51c.rbxl">DebugSite_editedRBXDev.rbxl (47.3 KB)
Too see what I mean, move a limb from the ‘Broken Madattak’ and move one from the regular one. I work on my game in the DebugSite (where I store all the game assets, models etc so excuse the ugly ‘TEST’ textures)

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What do you mean by moving all limbs at once? Are you using the Move Tool in studio? Are you using the Animation Editor? Are you selecting a subset of the character? Are you selecting the entire model of the character? Are you translating them? Or Rotating them? or some combinations of the two?

I am using the move tool in studio. I was going to move and rotate an arm to make it look like the Madattak model was holding a clipboard. When I tried to do this the whole character model moves/rotates. So, only selecting the Arm will still somehow move/rotate the whole character.

I also used SBS plugin or studio build suite to see if that fixed the problem but it didn’t.