Strange results with our play rate

Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a great day!

Recently, I made this post asking for feedback on why our play rate is so low.

Currently, our play rate is ~0.90%, and our play rate is ~0.05%.

This is based off of our newer test ads for this game, and we STILL don’t have very good stats. In fact, they’re even worse?!

While the CTR is still a problem, our biggest problem still resides in the abysmally low play rate.

We took in some feedback, and added a video to help potential players have a better understanding of what the game is about.

Could we have some feedback on our icon, thumbnails, and video?

(Click here for the video)

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Any advice at all related to CTR and play rate would be helpful as well!

We advertized with a 0.01 bid to 13-17 males on mobile, tablet, and PC in non-EU regions, so that could be the issue as well.

Please vote with the polls as well.

Thank you in advance! :star2:

Instead of trying to make the best adds try making the best game. The game doesn’t even seem welcoming when I joined in. Ui was all in my face the neon and green don’t mix at all. And the tutorial doesn’t even work and I have no what is going on at all when I join… if I were the average user tryna join ur game. No offense but I wouldn’t play for long at all. Ppl wanna play something polished. Look at games like doors, battegrounds. Your game no offense will usually fall into the stereotypical bad looking games therefore not a good game at all… I’m sure what ever idea you have I really good. Your execution however feels not good. I recommend watching stuff on YouTube NOT ON ROBLOX TYPEGAMES but games in general because Roblox game designing content is usually trash and by people who have no idea wth there doing.

In conclusion fix your game first. Dont wait for it to be popular to get fixed. Fix it so it will be popular


Could you elaborate? The GUI mostly consists of grayish-blue UI with some bright colors occasionally. Were you still loading in?

I just tested out the tutorial in a throwaway account and it worked fine. Could you rundown exactly what breaks for you?

Thanks for the feedback, but I’m not sure if this relates to the question at hand. I’ll create a separate topic if I’m having troubles with player retention and engagement.

Thank you!

ik this is not releveant to the question but it’s important even if you fix your ads and ctr ppl still won’t play the game for long, having multiple gamemodes for a new game is terrible, you split your low or non existant playerbase like that, you should’ve released with only solo ffa and if it gets popular release all the other gamemodes, also you need to polish more, add footsteps and sound effects to everything you do in game, the ui is also terrible.

Hey, not here to review the game but it very much does relate.
What he most likely means by that is instead of trying to fix your CTR and Play Rate, fix the game. I’m not sure whats wrong with it, but judging by what’s been said, the new player experience just isn’t good and there’s no reason for any new player to keep playing.

tl;dr, The reason it is bad is because the game is bad. No amount of trying to fix the ctr will fix the game.

And, looking at the video, the UI design is just bad but also a little confusing.
You have 2 inventory panels here, and you’d assume that clicking an item on the right would transfer it to the left but it doesn’t. Instead it instantly “consumes” the item.

And as for the main UI itself, there’s just so many problems, its large and clunky, very inconsistent, and with someone who doesn’t understand game mechanics at all, very confusing.

Here is a confusing screenshot pointing out how the UI is confusing and inconsistent.

Now again, I haven’t played this so I don’t really have a place in saying stuff, but looking at everything through the trailer and considering the tutorial broke for someone, the gameplay is just gonna be really confusing for new players. I don’t even know what I was looking at when I watched the trailer. I thought it was an RPG at first but it seems like some combat defense game??

I don’t know, and that’s bad considering I watched the trailer. I should know what the game is going to play like after watching a trailer but I don’t. For me personally, if a trailer doesn’t tell me what the game is properly, odds are I won’t play it.

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Only thing i wanted to add is that you can use round/sharp edges, but you should use them separately, sharp and rounded don’t look good usually, maybe when used together but not for different game elements

Also, this gui is too complex for new player and have very distracting design, you should use paint or smth to plan out where your gui should be, also try to use color pallet to make colors more similar across your game

Thank you for clearing some things up. However, I still have a few questions, if you don’t mind:

I don’t understand what you mean by it consuming the item. It goes into the hotbar for convinience. Is this unintuitive? It used to go into the inventory first, but because opening chests are very common in the game, it was a bit awkward.

Now that I’m looking at it, I can see how it can be a bit inconsistent. However, what exactly is confusing? There are only 4 buttons.

If you don’t mind, could you elaborate on this? Was it that before you watched the ttrailer you thought it was an RPG, and that afterwards you thought it was a combat defense game, or that different sections of the trailer gave contradicting information?

Again, thank you for the feedback!

Do you mean that round and sharp edges look good together with mulitple game elements, or that it’s better if it’s all rounded or all sharp?

To be fair, from looking at the trailer through roblox I couldn’t see that. I just saw the item vanish and you have a +1 item appear on the side. Knowing it goes to the inventory, yeah pretty good.

There’s just a lot going on in the UI and its really busy, just having a quick glance at the UI is confusing. From an outsider looking in, there’s just so much going on all in the same color with almost no difference so its hard to distinguish whats important and whats not as important.

Half way through watching the trailer I thought it was an RPG, and after looking at both the forum post and finishing the trailer did it seem like a combat game, which I still don’t know what one it is.

To be fair, I did entirely miss this in the description:

But if you consider the possibility that someone just found the trailer on youtube, it barely shows gameplay, instead a third of it is focused on cosmetic icons, and even then the gameplay that is shown is shown in such small bursts that often don’t have much going on in them so you can’t really tell whats happening.

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I say that when you use both round and sharp ones you shouldn’t used them in separate elements, for instance when elements of main frame are rounded, but main frame itself isn’t if done well it can look good, but let’s say you have separate buttons like shop, stats, settings with different styles, it looks much worse than one style only

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