For some reason, In my most recent studio game, Random scripts are showing up in the workspace. they are literally scripts called “fix” “debounce” and literally, one just has no name at all. they are all blank, but they keep breaking my waitforchild statements.
I uninstalled every plugin except for ones i trusted (words of encouragement)
Im not sure why this would continue. there are zero free models in my game
Did you run any commands that added scripts to your game, or did you use any free models. If not it’s probably your plugins. Clean your plugins and it probably won’t appear again.
hmm, maybe a plugin i installed infected one of my trusted plugins. Im going to uninstall that and see what happens
but no, I didnt use any free scripts or models
Can you send a list of plugins you installed and their Roblox website links?
Simple; They’re all backdoors.
but they are blank scripts lol.
anyways i found the problem, apparently uninstalling words of encouragement fixed it. (weird because i have had that plugin for like 6 months now and it hasn’t done anything)
Well, keep in mind that the creator of the plugin can update it at any time and add these type of things.
It looks like it’s used a method where you cannot see the require. I don’t know how it works, but I’ve seen it before. Basically, the require is there, you just can’t and won’t be able to see it. (I know it’s most likely a backdoor because of the names, etc.
Okay, thanks.
Is it possible to close topics im new to the devforums
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