Strange Transperency issue

Can someone please exlplain this to me…
I’m trying to make a script that makes objects that are already on the player visible once you equip a tool. It works… but… doesn’t work…???

As you can see here. only the eyes and Particle Emitters are visible/enabled. There’s suppose to be a set of wings on my character, but they’re not showing. I get 0 errors in output too.

This is a picture of my character after I switch to client mode while testing my game and they appear. The wings.Transparency = 0 is in the same script as the eyes and particles.

this is my serverScript located inside StarterCharcterScripts:

local tool = script.Parent.Light --tool name
local Light1 = script.Parent.HitCube.Light1 --particle located inside a part inside of the player
local Light2 = script.Parent.HitCube.Light2 --particle located inside a part inside of the player
local LeftWing = script.Parent.LWing --Wing located inside player
local RightWing = script.Parent.RWing --Wing located inside player
local LeftEye = script.Parent.Head.LeftEye --custom eye locted inside player's head
local RightEye = script.Parent.Head.RightEye --custom eye locted inside player's head

	LeftEye.Transparency = 0
	RightEye.Transparency = 0
	LeftWing.Transparency = 0
	RightWing.Transparency = 0
	Light1.Enabled = true
	Light2.Enabled = true

	LeftEye.Transparency = 1
	RightEye.Transparency = 1
	LeftWing.Transparency = 1
	RightWing.Transparency = 1
	Light1.Enabled = false
	Light2.Enabled = false

idk why I’m able to see it when I switch to client mode. HELP IS APPRECIATED!!! TY

Try this

local tool = script.Parent.Light --tool name
local Light1 = script.Parent.HitCube.Light1 --particle located inside a part inside of the player
local Light2 = script.Parent.HitCube.Light2 --particle located inside a part inside of the player
local LeftWing = script.Parent.LWing --Wing located inside player
local RightWing = script.Parent.RWing --Wing located inside player
local LeftEye = script.Parent.Head.LeftEye --custom eye locted inside player's head
local RightEye = script.Parent.Head.RightEye --custom eye locted inside player's head
local Equipped = false

	if not Equipped then
		Equipped = true
		LeftEye.Transparency = 0
		RightEye.Transparency = 0
		LeftWing.Transparency = 0
		RightWing.Transparency = 0
		Light1.Enabled = true
		Light2.Enabled = true
		Equipped = false
		LeftEye.Transparency = 1
		RightEye.Transparency = 1
		LeftWing.Transparency = 1
		RightWing.Transparency = 1
		Light1.Enabled = false
		Light2.Enabled = false
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tysm for responding but I figured out that it was because of a script that I had in startercharacterscripts that makes your body visible when in first person. and the reason why that was affecting the wings was because the wings were also jointed, animated, etc.

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