Stream Out is overly aggressive all of the sudden

Over the past week or so, streaming behavior seems to have changed. The stream out behavior is far more aggressive, and many assets never load in until you’re within the min streaming radius, and those same assets promptly stream out once you move out of the streaming radius.

Here’s the game we’re seeing the issue in Quarantine: Aftermath [Free Weekend] - Roblox

System specs:
Nvidia RTX 3070
Ryzen 7 3700x
64GB DDR4 3200MHz

Windows 11

Expected behavior

Here’s a video showing the behavior that I’m seeing. This was not happening about a week and a half ago and now it is, without any changes to streaming settings in our game.


I would expect the stream out of these models to occur closer to 3000 studs instead of at the minimum radius, it’s interesting that only a handful of models seem to be streaming in and out while other models that are much further away are kept. If you look behind the building, the trees in the background are not being streamed out which seems very inconsistent. This seems to be tied to a recent update to streaming, we can’t trace it back to any updates we’ve made recently.


Could you record a video with streaming enabled debug enabled? Opportunistic streaming sometimes not loading regions in - #5 by CorvusCoraxx
I feel like this could be helpful for the engineers

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My game does this as well, makes the game feel empty. I noticed the change when minimum paused area was enabled as default.

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Super embarrassing, but I found that this was actually just something we changed. Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.


What’s the fix? Maybe I am making the same error.

This was something specific to our game, a script which much more aggressively hid nearby objects. There was a change to the code that I was unaware of that caused this defect.

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