stream·snipe (strēmˈsnīp) vb. 1 to watch someone else’s livestream in order to gain an advantage against them, especially in combat
while this is not the oxford dictionary definition of stream-sniping, it is the most agreed upon definition- and to my knowledge, most people are not a fan of it (unless they, themselves, are doing it).
that being said, let’s cut to the chase:
Messaging Service Test
the short end of the stick:
at the time of writing this, 2022-08-23 @ 10:38 PST, it is a mostly working prototype of a very gimmicky, convoluted knockoff of Screencheat.
the long end:
in this game, which is under the working title of “Stream-Snipe”, servers are limited to only 1 player per server - no more and no less. despite this, it is still a multiplayer game - powered by the magic of the Messaging Service™ API, the game allows for real-time (< 1 second) cross-server interaction with other players.
before players can actually start playing, they must enter a match, and to do that, they can create a code that other players can use to join that game. this is where the gimmicky nature of this game shines through: players can distribute this code using other services (preferably Discord), and can then share their screen so that the others can stream-snipe you. naturally, one might ask: “why would I want others to stream-snipe me?”- the answer is that you, along with all the other players in the match, are practically ghosts; you can’t see each other and can’t directly interact with one another, except for when y’all shoot your gun (which is statistically based off of the M1911).
in order for any given match to be fair, there is only one rule that each and every one of you participating in a match has to follow:
if anybody in the match is streaming their game window, you should be as well.
that’s really the only rule you’ll have to follow, unless the “host” of the match decides to make their own rules, in which case you should prolly follow those as well.
as for the anarchists who can only have fun if nobody else is having any, nobody’s stopping you lol
aaaand i think that’s it for the introduction of this game.
the game link is above, titled “Messaging Service Test”.
i’m leaving this open to not only devlogs on the game, i’m also allowing for feedback here too.
if and when you have the chance, please do give this game a shot with some friends and tell me how it goes.
oh- and don’t be afraid to give your thoughts, whether they might be critique(s) of the game, overall opinions, ideas for updates, or just about anything really. you can even just talk about the game here, since that also helps me get a better understanding of what might be a pressing issue, or what people seem to like, and i can work based on that.
welp, i’m off to make this game as good as i can make it - i think it’s worth working on rn and i’m far from finished with it.
p.s. have fun ))))))