Streaming doesn't work when no character is present?

Hello there! Currently i am developing a Real Time Strategy game. The maps for the game are planned to be quite bigly scaled. So i dicided to use StreamingEnabled.

However I’ve ran into a big problem. It seems like StreamingEnabled doesn’t work when your own character isn’t present? Being a strategy game our camera is like a top-down view so the game doesn’t need the players their own character to be loaded in.

I’ve been searching on the web if anyone else has encountered a problem similair to mine however i haven’t found any topic about it. I also tried to stream in regoins now and then mannually according to the camera’s position using this code: self.player:RequestStreamAroundAsync( No succes however with that code.

Hopefully any of you guys know more about StreamingEnabled and are able to help me out. Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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What if you allowed the player to spawn, but made their character model invisible, or teleported their character model under the map?

Setting Player.ReplicationFocus to an Instance around the area you want to be streamed (and nil when you want it to be reset to the character) might work


Thanks i’ll be trying this out!

Thanks for the idea, but i prefer frinding another solution for this. This might be a option if there’s no other way.

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Thanks alot! This solved my problem. I also made a mistake by trying this on the client instead of the server. Big thanks.