Streaming Enabled Debugger Appearance

I want to find out how I can make this menu appear again (featured in sole attached image). I’d looked on the rest of the forum, but had found little information about this. The game I was playing is New Haven County. The Shift+F3 menu was open, and those keys listed on the left of the screen as a part of the game itself were all likely pressed by me. StreamingEnabled was - as can be seen in the image - on.

(Screenshot of the Medal clip of the first/only instance of this happening.)

My aim is to be able to do this again, as the menu has some useful features (i.e. equivalent of “render distance”-like stats, etc.) There must be keybinds for this feature, but I do not know what exactly they are. Attempts to find them have not been successful. Initial suspicions were Shift+(T/Q/S).

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