Streaming enabled not loading full map

When using streaming enabled on a large map, it will only load the area around your character. This happens regardless of graphics settings both in-studio and in-game. When you walk around, the physics paused dialog pops up endlessly.

In our development place, MapDev

These are my system specs. Feels like an issue with Apple’s new M1 chip, as this does not happen with my other Mac with an Intel processor. Ran into this using another M1 Mac as well (a Mac mini)


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


I don’t appear to have access to the test place, so I can’t check myself. By any chance do you have the minimum and target radius set to the same value? If you do then it wont stream more than the minimum radius to the client and as a result as soon as you leave the minimum radius you will pause waiting for the next regions.

If it only happens on certain processors it is possible memory estimation isn’t working correctly.

If you hit Shift-F3 and then shift 1 a few times until you see a streaming info in the lower right:

Can you share what is shown?

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This is what I am seeing

Do you know when this will be patched? This bug makes it seriously hard to test anything within our game in Studio.

This issue should now be fixed. Please let us know if you are still observing the problem.

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