Since restarting the servers we have not received any further reports of this issue.
Can agree with this statement. Shutdown servers at 11PM ET last night, not a single report since.
Just notifying everyone here. I was able to reproduce and fix all of the issues reported here except for the one reported by @Ancientblue. I have notified them and @vikingboy of this fact.
Tomorrow I will be enabling a fixed version of this optimization, I will re-ping everyone who reported issues here for immediate feedback once I do! So keep an eye out on this thread tomorrow!
In about 1 hour I will enable the fixed version.
Doing some final testing to make sure there are no negative effects on the latest version!
@Shawnyg @Ancientblue @milk74l8O @xethlyx @vikingboy
This has been re-enabled. I did testing just before it to make sure issues reported that I could reproduce were resolved.
Please let me know here if issues you were reporting start resurfacing.
Some issues are occurring again. Not sure if it’s due to the change, but we’re witnessing cars wheels falling off due to whatever change it was. (A-Chassis vehicles)

Are your A-Chassis vehicles storing the joints in JointsService, or in the workspace?
Workspace, under the car’s main VehicleSeat.
I just got report of this happening, it never happened before so i suppose something still goes wrong and it looks like its exactly this issue (pause mode is enabled)
Although I have not witnessed it personally, my players are experiencing issues with assemblies desyncing:
A player has also reported that clicking a ClickDetector within a glitched assembly returns it to normal position (how it’s network owner sees it).
My game has streaming enabled, although not Opportunistic.
I use a custom chassis system that uses legacy Hinges, Motors and Constraints.
Investigating this right now is my highest priority.
Is there any commonality to the Trolley-Buses in the previous two screenshots? Do they use any common vehicle chassis?
Hello, no they are unrelated, its just a coincidence, they use completely different driving system and chassis. Additionally my vehicles only use constrains.
I should however mention that i do experience similar desyncing issue that nidbahn reported, i reported it several months ago and it never got fixed (there were attempts to help me from roblox staff but its extremely hard to find what actually goes wrong) Stream Out Behavior: New Property for Streaming Enabled - #133 by OneSkyVed
I found some more screenshots of this happening (these ones were taken before the fix mentioned in this thread was released):
An interesting thing to note here is that I was not able to find any evidence of assemblies desyncing in vehicles that do not contain any SpringConstraints or TorsionSpringConstraints.
(trolleybuses + that green tram are the only vehicles in the game that make use of them)
I also should mention that this is not a common issue and seems to happen to specific players, perhaps caused by bad connection?
I started getting a bunch of reports of suddenly this happening:
It seems like for some reason Motor6Ds fail to replicate their position so they fly away. I got reports only of some of Motor6Ds doing that, like steering wheels and manometer arrows. (if you look closely you can see manometer + speedometer arrows flying near steering wheel)
UPD: based on additional information i got from reports, its possible these get desync like that when Motor6Ds get created, so it possibly puts the thing at wrong offset. Still doesnt make sense for me
Additionally there are reports of suddenly one of my scripts dedicated to rendering deformable meshes breaking (it errors that some parts are missing even tho previously it errored like that only in certain cases)
FYI: The Optimization was disabled again Friday night around 9pm PST.
I doing another pass after I got reproes for some problem and have them fixed. Planning to re-enable next week.
Still curious to hear more details about the specific issues experienced.
Recently I have been getting an increased amount of bug reports related to this and I have even seen it happen myself, multiple times, on a stable connection.
I have also noticed that the issue isn’t limited to mechanisms that contain Springs. It happens with other mechanisms as well, although it’s much less common.
I’m also experiencing an issue where the server clones items into a region near a character, yet when you leave and re-enter the region, it does not reappear. The part with the proximity prompt is local. The chest model is on the server. I’m using opportunistic.
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Closing this issue as this report as it has since been resolved, if you are seeing any issues please file a new bug report.