StreamingEnabled and NPCs

My game’s main place contains 100+ NPCs, server-sided but animated on the client. The map is gigantic (130k+ parts), and being an already complex game script-wise, mobile users experience crashes once trying to load in. On PC and console i’ve also had frame drops (going from a smooth 144+ fps to barely reaching 100, after optimizing local scripts) on max graphics.
StreamingEnabled would solve this problem for the most part. The issue is that my NPCs are animated client-sided: using StreamingEnabled makes all my scripts error (cause they don’t find the NPCs or their primary parts).

Is there a way to exclude NPCs from being streamed out completely? Or is the only route I can take adjusting my local scripts? Thank you!

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If your NPC is a model (which I assume) you can change its ModelStreamingMode property to “Persistent” which basically means that it’ll never be streamed out. Hopefully this helps

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