StreamingEnabled + Large Map = Long Play Solo loading times

Reproduction Steps

1. Open a place with a large map
2. Enable streaming enabled
3. Enter play solo

Here is a video of me entering Play Solo w/streaming = true

And for comparison, entering Play solo w/streaming = false

Expected Behavior

Play solo to load immediately when pressed

Actual Behavior

Studio freezes on the game window for at least 30 seconds before displaying the game loading screen and starting the test session. In the comparison you can see it took half the time to load the game when streaming was disabled.


Disabling streaming enabled completely eliminates this. Not ideal since streaming is supposed to make everything faster.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


We’ve identified an issue that can cause the observed long load times, and are developing a fix. Will update when the fix is live.


Well, I want to add another issue to this matter. Each time you click pay with streaming enabled, and big map, the wait becomes even longer, and there will also be a drop in performance every time.

There is also another mobile bug I think may be related to this. There may be a memory leak on mobile. On the first join with streaming enabled, untracked memory spiked to 300 MB, while on PC it is 0 MB. Over 30 min, Pc remains at 0, but mobile can reach over 500.

We’ve enabled an improvement that should address the long Play Solo load times that could be experienced with some experiences.


there is still no fix. Happens to my game a lot for months now

We enabled an improvement for the issue that we observed with Usering’s place.

@Tellygum it sounds like you were still experiencing issues. Are you able to file a bug report?

It seems to be gone for the most part. Much better than before.

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