Street scene I made

This is a street scene I made , used some free models for trees and pole, the rest made by myself, I’d like feedback on it , thank you! God bless you!


This looks amazing!
All I would want to change is maybe the lighting to make it pop a little! :smile:


Quick question, how did you make those bricks? They dont look like the texture that you can use. Did you make blocks?

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Good stuff dude that looks like my neighborhood here in New York.

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Yes , they are blocks , not texture.

Thank you! It’s inspired in Philadelphia!

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Thank you! I don’t know what to add to lighting!

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This looks quite real, but I would say that the window frame on the building should be covering up the glass

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Looks nice, play around with lighting a bit, but fantastic work! :+1:


Wow! This looks really realistic! Great job. God bless you :smiley: