I have a convention center (yes, that one convention center that you had seen me bragging about all the time) that needs a stress test. Initially, it started as a showcase, and I don’t expect the server to hold too many players at a time. However, I had received numerous reservations to host events at the convention center. From what I’ve seen, the event usually ranges from 50-100 people.
I’ve only hosted one event when the center had 65K parts. It starts lagging badly when people join. Once everyone had joined (35 players), I had to lower my graphics to level 5 to get around 30FPS (I have an i7-13700K and an RTX 3070Ti).
So far, I’ve managed to cut down to 55K, and I’m aiming for around 30K-40K parts. Despite not even halfway done with the cut-downs, I want to see how the center functions when it is filled with 100 players.
This comes down to the question: “Is there any way to stress test a game without using actual players?”
Hiring testers wouldn’t be a viable choice because: 1) Where will I even find 100 testers?, and 2) Do people want to test for something that’s not even a game?
With 55K parts in a small area that may cause lag issues for players.
I’d recommend making ALL of you parts CanCollide false and CanTouch false, then placing large tranparent CanCollide parts for areas where you want players to interact with.
For example if you have a row of typical individual theater seats, place only Seats at each location that are CanTouch true, then place 1 long transparent Part along the back of all the seats so players cant walk/move through the seat backs, and make it CanCollide true, CanTouch false.
Another example, if you have a complex realistic brick wall made of Parts then make them all CanCollide and CanTouch false then place 1 (or more depending on doorways etc.) CanCollide true, CanTouch false, transparent Part as your wall.
To keep the camera from clipping through transparent walls you can make them non-transparent and add a BlockMesh to them and make the Scale .001,.001,.001 so it won’t be visible (unless it’s in a doorway or something, then just change the Offset of the Mesh to move the visual aspect to one side or the other).
This will keep all of the Roblox physics and Touched event calculations checks to a minimum and may help with lag, especially if you have 100 players moving around (with their avatar’s limbs and accessories) causing stress on your server.