Stretched texture on Union

The texture I’m trying to apply on a union seems to be stretched and this has never happened before. The texture image is fine when applied to a normal part but not on unions

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I’m assuming this isn’t a decal, and if it is, please use a texture instead. If you are using a texture, try counteracting the stretching with the StudsPerTileU and StudsPerTileV properties in the texture itself.

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I’m using a texture and I’ve already adjusted the StudsPerTiles. I think the issue might be due to a recent studio update.

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why not just use a materialvariant?

I prefer using textures. The only solution I’ve found is exporting the union to Blender and then re-importing it back into Studio. It takes more time but at least it’s fine now

I’m having big issues with this as well. I hope Roblox reverts whatever they broke because Blender isn’t really an option for me right now.

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