Stretching and incorrect texture mapping in Adobe Substance Painter

Hello everyone, I recently ran into the problem that I can’t apply the texture properly in Substance Painter and it stretches very much. There may be a problem with the UV scan, but it seems to be fine, and it’s correct. I will be glad of your help!

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I dont know much about substance painter but assuming it applies the texture based on the uv map… do you think it could be a case of your uvs being unevenly scaled?

Like the bigger the part, the more uv space it takes up. If that isnt the case, or your uv map is stretched in one direction then yah the texture will do that.

I think the best way to check is by applying a test texture on the object in blender so you can see how the image is placed on the object.

I think there’s a button in blender that can fix this but i dont remember which one or where it is 'cos i dont have it open rn.

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Yes, you’re right, the texture also stretches when applied in Blender Noise Texture. What do you think how to fix this? I searched the Internet but found nothing.

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Sometimes applying a triangulation modifier to your model and trying the different options might help. I’ve had issues with inconsistencies between textures in Blender and Substance Painter and triangulating sometimes does the trick.


I tried to make the mesh triangular, but it didn’t do any good.

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This might also be an issue with how your UVs are. The UVs in the bottom left corner are way smaller than other parts of the model and it’ll cause inconsistency on the textures such as stretching and lower quality textures. I suggest you try to UV Unwrap your model again, marking seams on your model until the UVs are consistent and make sense.


Oh, I’ll try to do it, but if I don’t succeed, do you have the opportunity to help me if I give you the model file?

Unfortunately, I am not the best at UV Unwrapping either so I can’t really help you there, and I believe it also can help you learn UV Unwrapping if you were to do it yourself, theres loads of tutorials out there.

Good luck!!

I can help! but you just might be able to help yourself here!


select all your UV’s and Use the “Average Islands Scale” and “Minimize Stretch” buttons (in that order)

It should rescale your UVs so that they are more evenly scaled!

I did it! First, I made a Cube Projection for each individual detail or Unwrap for some, then I highlighted everything and using Addon Packer I packed the model and almost removed the texture dilution.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work, but thank you for trying to help!

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