Object Oriented Programming (Better than metatable OOP)
Tutorial difficulty: Advanced Begginer (no clue what does it mean)
This tutorial will be a mid-short summary about OOP method from: Tower - Roblox
More begginer friendly than metatable OOP.
faster than metatable OOP by like 10-100% (up to 2 times faster) (Results vary).
Easier to write types and don’t require any casting since it uses static types unlike metatable OOP.
More customization with metamethods (incase you need them).
Can contain multiple classes.
Ability to have same constructor for most of your classes.
Uses generic tables that don’t require any deep copy.
In this tutorial we will learn:
- how to create a constructor
- how to add methods to constructor
- how to make a generic table
- how to create types and assign them to our generic table/constructor/method
For more advanced tutorial i would recomend you watching my video on this OOP approach:
Before doing anything lets set us a goals:
- Make a class Cat.
- Give class cat ability to print “Meow” via method “Meow”.
- Method that would print Text we input aswell as adding subtag with name of our cat in beggining of the message.
- Make class Cat include: Age of this cat and Name of this cat.
- Method that would tell us name and age of our class cat.
Part 1: Writing a Generic table
local Cat = {
Part 2: Writing a constructor:
-- self shall be ignored as since calling methods will automatically pass 1st argument
--Source: https://create.roblox.com/docs/luau/functions#define-methods
function Constructor(self,Name,Age)
-- nelf is our newly created class!
local nelf = table.create(self)
-- will cast Name to string
nelf.Name = `{Name}`
-- will cast Age to number and if will fail then age will be 0
nelf.Age = tonumber(Age) or 0
-- returning our class
return nelf
local Cat = {
-- Referance to our constructor
new = Constructor;
Part 3: Adding methods
-- self shall be ignored as since calling methods will automatically pass 1st argument
--Source: https://create.roblox.com/docs/luau/functions#define-methods
function Constructor(self,Name,Age)
-- nelf is our newly created class!
local nelf = table.create(self)
-- will cast Name to string
nelf.Name = `{Name}`
-- will cast Age to number and if will fail then age will be 0
nelf.Age = tonumber(Age) or 0
-- returning our class
return nelf
--Just a function, not an actual method
function Meow()
-- Upon calling it will say Name of our cat + text
function Say(self,text)
warn(`{self.Name}: {text}`)
function Info(self)
return self.Name,self.Age
local Cat = {
-- Referance to our constructor
new = Constructor;
-- Referance to function (could be used without : but . instead when calling)
Meow = Meow;
Say = Say;
Info = Info;
Part 4: Adding types and description
--!optimize 2
-- self shall be ignored as since calling methods will automatically pass 1st argument
--Source: https://create.roblox.com/docs/luau/functions#define-methods
if you see argument <strong>self</strong> after writing then you are doing smth wrong; Perhabs you used singular dot instead of : for method calling
<strong>Name</strong> Name of our cat
<strong>Age</strong> Age of our cat
function Constructor(self:Cat,Name:string,Age:number): Cat
-- nelf is our newly created class!
local nelf = table.clone(self)
nelf.Name = Name
nelf.Age = Age
-- returning our class
return nelf
--Just a function, not an actual method
Can be called with singular dot aswell
A void function
function Meow(): ()
-- Upon calling it will say Name of our cat + text
function Say(self:Cat,text:string): ()
warn(`{self.Name}: {text}`)
--[[Returns <strong>Tuple</strong> type that contains Name and Age of our cat]]
function Info(self:Cat): (string,number)
return self.Name,self.Age
local Cat:Cat = {
-- Referance to our constructor
new = Constructor;
-- Referance to function (could be used without : but . instead when calling)
Meow = Meow;
Say = Say;
Info = Info;
-- Creating type for our cat
export type Cat = {
-- Methods
-- typeof does get what does function returns and description of function incase it has one
-- Properties
Part 5: Usage
--!optimize 2
-- self shall be ignored as since calling methods will automatically pass 1st argument
--Source: https://create.roblox.com/docs/luau/functions#define-methods
if you see argument <strong>self</strong> after writing then you are doing smth wrong; Perhabs you used singular dot instead of : for method calling
<strong>Name</strong> Name of our cat
<strong>Age</strong> Age of our cat
function Constructor(self:Cat,Name:string,Age:number): Cat
-- nelf is our newly created class!
local nelf = table.clone(self)
nelf.Name = Name
nelf.Age = Age
-- returning our class
return nelf
--Just a function, not an actual method
Can be called with singular dot aswell
A void function
function Meow(): ()
-- Upon calling it will say Name of our cat + text
function Say(self:Cat,text:string): ()
warn(`{self.Name}: {text}`)
--[[Returns <strong>Tuple</strong> type that contains Name and Age of our cat]]
function Info(self:Cat): (string,number)
return self.Name,self.Age
local Cat:Cat = {
-- Referance to our constructor
new = Constructor;
-- Referance to function (could be used without : but . instead when calling)
Meow = Meow;
Say = Say;
Info = Info;
-- Creating type for our cat
export type Cat = {
-- Methods
-- typeof does get what does function returns and description of function incase it has one
-- Properties
local ClassCat1 = Cat:new("Tiger",3)
ClassCat1:Say("Im a talking cat")
local Name,Age = ClassCat1:Info()
print(`Info: Age: {Age}, Name: {Name}`)
That whole tutorial.
You could do a lot of work arounds with this OOP method but i like this exact way of it becouse it keeps polymorphy just enough.
This is my first tutorial of that kind and i would like to hear suggestions as to how i can improve my future/this tutorial(s).