String page missing some useful information

I have a couple of issues here that would greatly benefit each and every single person visiting this page for information

char & byte

This is how string.char is currently presented (found here)

It would be useful to include some sort of documentation on what “the internal numerical code equal to its corresponding argument” means, and that the int input here corresponds with ASCII decimal codes, and a link to a page containing a reference chart like the one below (found here)

find, gmatch, gsub, and match

All of these functions use string patterns as a parameter, the old wiki had links to a page explaining string patterns, while this page has no such links. This is crucial information for the use of these functions

The page on string patterns can be found here


This function uses a different type of pattern than the above, and it’s description is entirely too vague

“following the description given in its first argument” is extremely unhelpful. It should instead mention that the formatstring rules are based on the printf function of C, and linking to an article explaining how to use these rules would be wonderful (like such, but preferably designed with newer roblox developers in mind)