String.gsub isn't working on a TextBox

local TableOfContents = {
	["local"] = "#f21414"

while wait() do
	for i, v in pairs(TableOfContents) do
		if(string.find(tostring(script.Parent.Text), i)) then
			string.gsub(tostring(script.Parent.Text), i, '<font color="'..v..'">'..i.."</font>", 1)


I made it print if it equals to the thing I want, it printed true, then I swapped the text with a normal string like “hello” and it still didn’t change.

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on this line youre doing nothing with the string you just used gsub on, if you want to change the text of the textbox then you should do something like this:

script.Parent.Text = string.gsub(tostring(script.Parent.Text), i, '<font color="'..v..'">'..i.."</font>", 1)

This does work, but I’m facing a new problem now, It keeps doing it multiple times instead of once.