Maybe it has something to do with the FOV. check in the lighting settings and see if there is a ‘screen blur’ option and turn it down. I also noticed it’s not only the pins that get blurry so this may be the problem.
its cause of how roblox does their texture sampling which creates that effect. your gonna have to create a physical part for the red stuff if you dont want the blurry edges
Is it a Roblox Texture or a Texture you created using Blender on your own pin Mesh?
If it’s Roblox then it won’t fit your curved surfaces all that well.
If it’s your own then it looks like it’s improperly wrapped around your MeshPart.
I think this may be the solution. The unfortunate part is that my bowling pin is supposed to be detailed, but after exporting it as FBX, the file is HUGE.
I was wondering if there was a way I could do this using textureID? I found a free model one that doesn’t have the stripes from blurry away, but it uses texture ID. If you remove the texture you can see theres lines that stand out where the stripes would be on the texture. I’ll provide an RBXM of the non working vs the free model one I found. PinExample.rbxm (28.9 KB)
I opened it up in blender, it appears the person who made it did a similar technique. It’s a bit hard to see but if you separate by loose parts, you can see the stripes are separated from the white part, the creator likely used edge split.
Also quick question, at the top how did you make all of those edges go into one point? I’m trying to make my new one have this at the top and I’m just wondering.