Strofe - User feedback forum

Hello so some months ago our team has been developing the music platform named Strofe where users can make music for free :relaxed: we are here to ask for feedback so we can make Strofe fun for everyone.

Our goal is to make Strofe accessible to everyone so all feedback is important to us.

Please let us know in the comments on what you think.

If you are curious on the future updates of Strofe you can also join our Discord server if you are also in need of support it’s recommended to contact us via Discord.

We have also made a Roblox group so if there any fans of Strofe wanting to support us they can by joining the group below.

You can also find 100s of songs that our team have made by using Strofe you can take a listen below!/audio

  • CorruptDetected Strofe Moderator.

Really nice!
Quite curious to know how music is differentiated over the mood system :eyes:

Planning to integrate more genres or sticking on to instrumental?

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Hello @arnav24avi10 we are implementing new styles, but most likely keeping to Instrumental.

I can’t 100% confirm this though.


You should take a look/listen! The different moods have different keys and harmonic progressions, dynamic ranges, instrumentation choices and melodic attributes.

We’re working on adding more genres but for now don’t have plans to add vocals.


I listened some of the music and my personal opinion is that i think the music is good.
I see the opportunity that many people will use the music.

Best of luck!

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Haha thanks, I’m glad you like it!


Hey guys we are just having issues with our servers you may experience lag or the website not working.

We will plan to fix our servers soon sorry for the inconvenience.

– Linux_Detected (moderator)

While we are writing this I would like to Mention we have released a UI update along with some bug fixes thanks to our developer Admire.