Stroller tool to HumanoidRootPart

Adopt me and Brookhaven’s Stroller tools are attached to the HumanoidRootPart, so if the player walks, the stroller won’t go in the ground or will float

I want to know how did they achieved this, because My game is about adopting and I need to make strollers

I Tried to look in here but I couldn’t find a solution


How can I weld the tool to HumanoidRootPart so it will be like Adopt me and Brookhaven?

I played around with it.

Cart.rbxl (84.9 KB)

Thank you so much, but there is something I’m trying to figure out
How can I add multiple tools without it merging together like this

You do not need the Cart to be a tool; use a GUI button instead.

If you are wanting to animate tools with more flexibility then I recommend Headstackk’s tutorial:

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