The place is build to seem empty, is 10k for 10k space
Must add a lot of things
There is actually a code to find but is not easy and really far away
This game is thinked to be a treasure hunt with multiple players, some places will need more than one players for things like: 3 player tower for jump over a wall, 2 player have to press two buttons at the same time to activate something and so on
But is actually boring, i must add an actual gameplay because for now is just walk walk walk walk walk oh something, walk walk walk walk.
The game has been literally changed on everything!
Compete with other players on a crime scene and find the one who killed the victim! Max players: 1 at the moment BUT Detective Teams and group contracts will be added!
UV Scanner: Scan the area and search for fingerprints then scan them and find his code!
BloodTaker: A Syringe that can contain blood and once scanned can reveal part of the DNA and his Blood Type|
PersonalTaker: A Vial used to take Skin pieces, Spit and Hair, Use them to complete the DNA code and get all the infos!
Killer and Infos Change on every game!
What are you waiting for,Agent? The World needs YOU!