Our new game Zombie Zone had peaked at around ~300 CCU right after Christmas day a couple weeks back, but has fallen pretty drastically to an average of maybe ~100 CCU within the last week or so. Ideally we want to get to the level of success that the big zombie games maintain (Zombie Uprising, Zombie Attack, etc) but I am not sure what we are missing right now.
Our stats were recently updated yesterday to use similar experience benchmarks instead of genre, and they are now pretty low in just about every benchmark:
I think onboarding is definitely are biggest struggle as seen in the low D1 retention, and I believe that it is also negatively affecting our average session time. I playtest all the time to try and see what new players do in the game and I definitely notice a lot of new players leaving after killing a few zombies and not even completing a wave. I have no idea why this happens. I am 100% sure there are no game-breaking bugs that are preventing people from playing, as I test all the time on just about every platform.
It confuses me even more when I see the types of zombie games that have success, like how does this slop game regularly break 1k CCU when we can’t manage 200? Even compared to games like Zombie Attack which have been successful for years, I don’t think there is any major gameplay feature we are lacking to be competitive with them, and our progression is just as good if not much better and more diverse.
I would love to hear any feedback or advice. Thanks in advance!