We released Zombie Zone back in November and the game has seen middling success, averaging ~80 - 100 CCU since the post-Christmas dropoff. While this is nice and I do realize most games never even make it to this point, we obviously want those numbers to be closer to the big players in this genre, namely Zombie Uprising or Zombie Attack, so that we can start to make enough money to support a more serious career of developing this game. That means we need to multiply our playerbase by at least 10x, ideally closer to 50x.
Our average daily revenue for the past 30 days has been around 8.4k Robux, which for our team of 3 people, is around $10 a day. This is obviously unsustainable. We have tried many, many things to increase our metrics but session time and D1 retention have been consistently low pretty much since we released the game. We’ve tried making changes such as removing intermissions between non-boss waves, which reduced downtime while waiting for zombies to start spawning again, but this had no meaningful impact on session time, and we think it actually decreased our revenue since players had less time to browse the shop.
We also recently implemented a brand new FPS mode about 3 days ago, and while it is nowhere near as high quality as something like Rivals, we think it is on-par with similar games in our genre, and we thought it could drastically improve things for us since the majority of successful shooters on Roblox are first person as opposed to third person (like Fortnite). However sadly, this has not made any impact whatsoever on our D1 retention or session time:
(we released the update on Feb 14th)
For reference, here are all of our benchmarks as of a few days ago:
As you can see, these two metrics have consistently been extremely low for our similar experience benchmarks, and I am not sure what to do to increase them. We are basically at a crossroads with our development strategy. I think either the game needs fundamental changes to drastically adjust the core gameplay loop to engage people better, or we are just missing a “hook” to keep people engaged better with our current gameplay loop. But either way, we do not know what to focus on now. I don’t think just adding more content is going to do anything meaningful for us, and I honestly don’t know what to do.
Please give the game a try and let me know what you think could help us increase these numbers!