Struggling when send table to global by using MessagingService

Hi im struggling when send table to global rn

Send table to global:

function Party.SendToGlobal(tables, status)
	if status == "Add" then
		messgagingService:PublishAsync("Matchmaking", PartyIntermission[tables])
	elseif status == "Remove" then
		messgagingService:PublishAsync("MatchmakingRemove", tables)

SubscribeAsync to global:

messgagingService:SubscribeAsync("Matchmaking", function(message)
	table.insert(GlobalMatchmaking, message.Data)

message.Data return me table, after use foreach to print it, it still return table

I don’t think that that is the correct usage of table.foreach()

It appears you need to provide a function that handles the information in the table
for example:

table.foreach(message.Data, function(key, value)
    print(key, value)

oh ok i will try it when at home! thanks for help

ah ik why rn it table.foreach(message.Data, warn) not table.foreach(message.Data) mb

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