Stuck at learning scripting

So as title says Im trying to learn scripting in roblox and i wanna make a game in future (if i dont quit obv ) and i watched tutorials and read docs on forums abt basics LUA functions,loops and etc… but the thing is knowing those stuff is not enough actually and i got into studio and tried to do some stuff like i tried to make an hitbox sytem (and it was way more complicated for me and scripts started to dont work as i want them after some time bcz i am probably newbie for stuff like that or smth idk),some furnitures like radio doors etc…,i tried to make an party system for teleporting together and guis scripts… that was a disasster… lol but yet it was fun to fail) and stuff like that but as you can see im failing most of the time and idk what i dont have but other people do have and they can achive those goals but i cant,i mean what should i even learn now i know basic LUA and they also do but i cant do what they do do i have to learn specific stuff about roblox’s objects,methods,built in stuff or something like that?im pretty much and i feel kinda stuck here …

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Some beginners usually take too much at once and it can be overwhelming. Learning happens over time and everyone does it at different rates. If you’re looking for complicated things, some good concepts, semantics and heuristics to understanding systems might be great.


Alright so to put it simply you need to start off with very basic things and work your way up.
I have a technique for learning things like scripting the L.M.T Technique

  1. Learn The absoulute basics, so stuff like variables, if statments, loops, parameters etc. 2. Master the absolute basics. Get very good with the basics until you know them all, and how to use them. 3. Try something new everyday. You try a learn a different thing everyday adn you will slowely get better.

Also try reading the roblox documentation if your stuck on learning something.

It will take time to learn to script, and the systems your trying to make are a lot more complicated to make


Well thanks for replies but how can i master or practice the basics?
how did you guys practice and mastered basics and what would you guys recommend me to do for example “try to do a walking radio” etc… and what was you guys projects when at the beggining??

I believe the best way to get started is to follow this tutorial. It gives you the basic knowledge to start off with and you can expand and experiment from there.


Watch theDevKings scripting series and after that give yourself small things to script and go up from there
One thing I scripted once I learned Leaderstats was a button that gave you points when clicked

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So you don’t need to know all the stuff what Roblox can offer.

As a Scripter I don’t use many stuff like: Ray cast; meta tables and other stuff. I’m not saying that they are useless but in my opinion I don’t need them currently.

I suppose you know the main properties of a Part (BasePart) holds like: BrickColor; CastShadow etc.
If you learn these simple properties and the syntax (how lua/luau works) you can adjust a part to your liking from a script.

If you already know those things work you can start to learn how the player object works. Lets say to change the players: speed, jump height, health etc.

Those are the simple steps what I worked on. I started as a builder so it was a bit easier for me to understand.

You shouldn’t start with a big project. Start with some main props from the game lets say NameTags. You can learn how to set up your custom nametag, disable the roblox one and clone it to a player on join.

Before you start you can check some other game NameTags so you can inspire from them.

Overall don’t start with big stuff learn it first!

As some other people mentioned some good scripting tutorials come from TheDevKing, AlvinBlox and some others. They might not post that often these days but most tutorials still work!

Don’t worry if the code doesn’t work on the first time. Even the best of best coders can make a small bug/glitch. But they don’t give up!

So you shouldn’t give up either

Hope this helps! Let me know if I missed some things or you need some clarification!

All the stuff what you might need you can access here from Roblox if you did not know already!

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The only way to learn is by doing. Keep doing, even if it’s just slightly out of your comfort zone. Every step out of your comfort zone is more experience and confidence in your skills.

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codecademy has a course on LUA while it’s not roblox’s version of LUA I like the way they set up their teaching modules.

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I’m a decent scripter and i started out simply editing free-models. You should try it out.

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It took me 2 years to get to where I am, a lot of that is my fault. how much I learnt and grew sped up exponentially when I started doing this:

Think of a simple random idea, make a baseplate and try to create it, go to dev forum specifically if I run into an issue, or find an old post. after its done, recreate it, literally make a brand new baseplate and just remake it AGAIN. this time, try to make it more efficient, less buggy, expand upon the code to add more features, try to see if I can create it without looking back at my old code, and recreate it AGAIN. after your 3rd attempt think about another idea, keep it simple, I found working on client sided scripts was easy for me to understand first, even though you want your game to consist of mostly serversided code. later on I tried to understand serversided code. that was when things really took off.

Always avoid trying to make some very complex stuff when you are new, like even something that may seem simple in theory, like a combat system requires a lot of knowledge, I always went for things you could interact with in the workspace like parts.

TLDR, Make something basic, remake it again, expand upon it when you recreate it, expand further upon it, learn how to optimize it and make it more efficent as you expand upon it, move onto another idea, repeat.

always try to gather information and NEVER go to a tutorial and just copy and paste code. if the tutorial only offers that without a proper explanation, move onto another one, I prefer just going to the dev forum and finding a post someone has already made, or making my own if I can’t find one.

Some may not agree with this but it’s how I learnt, everyone learns differently and at their own pace.

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Look, you can try to watch TheDevKing’s scripting tutorials. He has 2 playlists: basic and advanced. When you’ll watch it, you will know the 80% of roblox studio. I’ll recommend you some things:

  1. Never use toolbox. The tools in there are unreliable and can have viruses or something for what your game can be banned.

  2. If you don’t know how/what to do with something, ask on the forum. People here are kind and almost always help everyone. Also when you post something, try to explain your problem in the most clear way.

  3. Don’t watch videos that just make you copy and paste code. Watch videos that teach and explain you something.